Contribute an InsightYour input is crucial to the ongoing debate.


If you are interested in adding something to the discussion, please ensure it aligns with the following HERE Insight criteria:

  1. Your contribution can be about any topic related to education and refugees in Europe. If you are unsure, the research criteria used for the curation of the HERE Database may help.
  2. It can be from an academic, practitioner, policy or personal perspective.
  3. Insights should be informed and sources acknowledged either by linking to the original materials or referencing them in a conventional academic style.
  4. Where insights are informed by personal experience please provide some biographical context.
  5. Use reasoned debate in defence of your position and do not use inflammatory or defamatory language. Please pay attention to our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion policy provided in the website footer.
  6. Avoid the use of jargon. Use accessible language and explain any acronyms or technical terms to aid understanding by multiple audiences.
  7. The main content can be any length but we suggest keeping it between 500-1000 words with a short 300-word introduction. Content can be pasted directly into the website or uploaded.
  8. You can upload content in the form of pdfs, images, audio files and video to support your contribution.
  9. Please do not upload any identifying imagery without seeking permission.


Submissions will be reviewed by the HERE Team, who will notify you once it has been published or contact you with any queries or modification requests.

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