HERE Insightsfeatures and findings from publications related to refugee education.

HERE Insights

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HERE Insights are provided by experts within the network based on academic research, policy documentation and case studies of the educational experiences of refugees, and those supporting them with their education.

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HERE Insights

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 7

On Wednesday 26th June 2024, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held our 7th webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information on a variety of refugee education projects from across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in 2022 and our…

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5 strategies to make education refugee-inclusive for Ukrainian students

Undir Lyubov, 10th grade student at the Regional Scientic Boarding Lyceum in Rivne, Ukraine, pictured ahead of a lesson underground during a rocket attack on November 23,…

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Continuing Conversations 6: Refugee Education UK Showcase

Refugee Education UK works to equip young refugees (including those still seeking asylum) to build positive futures by thriving in education. We operate several programmes which facilitate access to education for young refugees, improve their educational outcomes and ensure that they benefit from their investment in education. Our research is…

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The Sanctuary Scholars Programme 2024 – Increasing a sense of belonging for students from refugee, asylum-seeking and forced migrant backgrounds at UK HE institutions through a ‘place-based’ approach, mobilising the PhD community

Introduction The Brilliant Club has a track record of over ten years working with students from underrepresented groups across the UK, providing them with skills and experiences to help them in accessing and succeeding at highly selective universities. In 2023, this work extended to those students from refugee, asylum seeking and forced migrant…

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Drawing Together

In a turbulent world, what can we learn from wellbeing in the lives of young refugees? We look at this question through a project called Drawing Together. By using that phrase, we mean two things. One is about making visual art with young refugees. The other is understanding, through artwork and storytelling, how young refugees and others get…

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A Sustainable Place for Inclusive Refugee Education: My education journey in Nottingham

A Sustainable Place for Inclusive Refugee Education (ASPIRE) is a participatory research initiative between the University of Nottingham (led by Professor Joanna McIntyre) and Refugee Education UK (REUK). This place-based research study aims to understand existing formal and informal education provision in two English cities – Oxford and…

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 5

On Thursday 14th December 2023, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held our fifth webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information on a variety of refugee education projects from across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in 2022 and our…

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 4

On Friday 20th October 2023, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held our fourth webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information on a variety of refugee education projects from across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in 2022 and our…

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Pathways: Using Writing and Walking Methodologies to Support Refugees and Asylum-Seekers Living in Temporary Accommodation

Writing in the park “It’s nice, really nice. Writing and sharing. And it makes us remember how lucky we are to see around us… the nature. It means a lot but it’s a little bit…

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A Sustainable Place for Inclusive Refugee Education: Reflections on a Participatory Approach

Introduction While refugees have received scholarly attention in the wider social sciences, relatively little interest has been given to their educational issues (Bellino, 2020), despite the fact that, for example, school-aged refugees are about five times less likely to access basic education that their non-refugee peers (McIntyre & Neuhaus,…

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Refugee Stories: Education: Obstacles and Aspirations

This Insight was originally published on the Harvard REACH website.   Refuge

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A Day Like This – Train Travel and Informal Learning

Julia Singleton-Tasker is Lead Community Rail Partnership Officer for Heart of England CRP. Towards the end of 2022, we had the pleasure of working with Highly Sprung to deliver A Day Like This. With thanks to funding from CrossCountry and Community Rail Network, we worked with newly arrived families and individuals from Syria to develop their…

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Striving for a changed policy narrative for refugee education

I am delighted in this Insight piece to share the outcomes of a project which I have been working on in collaboration with Refugee Education UK (REUK). The project title is: Sustainable transformative inclusive refugee education: steps towards a changed policy narrative or STRIVE for short. STRIVE mobilises research expertise (PI McIntyre),…

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HERE’s what we know about early childhood education for refugees in Europe

1. Introduction The number of refugees and forced migrants arriving in Europe has increased dramatically in recent years due to ongoing conflicts and instability, with many of these refugees and migrants increasingly being children under the age of five who have been exposed to violence, trauma, and disruptions in their education and development…

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 3

On Friday 28th July 2023, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held our third webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information on a variety of refugee education projects from across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in 2022 and our…

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The Sanctuary Scholars Programme Pilot – Mobilizing the PhD community to support and tutor students from refugee and migrant backgrounds in the UK

Introduction The Brilliant Club has a track record of ten years working with students from underrepresented groups across the UK, providing them with skills and experiences to help them in accessing and succeeding at highly selective universities. In 2023, this work extended to those students from refugee and migrant backgrounds in a pilot project…

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Impact of the Illegal Migration Act 2023 on Refugee Education

Ruth Brittle is a lecturer in Law at the University of Leicester. Specialising in family law, her research interests focus on the impact of the asylum process on education rights of young people seeking sanctuary and the impact of Age Assessment processes on the rights of young people to access the asylum process.  Introduction On Thursday 20th…

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 2

On Friday 26th May 2023, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held our second webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information on a variety of refugee education projects from across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in 2022 and our first…

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Refugee Education: Continuing Conversations 1

Introduction On Friday 24 March 2023, the Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held a webinar for members of the HERE Network and beyond to share information about a variety of refugee education projects taking place across Europe. The aim was to extend the critical conversations that were started at the Inaugural HERE Conference in…

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A HERE Comment on the 1951 Refugee Convention

Download as PDF   INTRODUCTION The Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held its inaugural conference on 22nd-23rd November 2022. It involved keynote speakers, invited presentations, academic papers and networking activities focusing on refugee education in Europe. Attendees came from research, practice and policy backgrounds. A…

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Physical Education, Sport and Refugees

According to the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sport is, “an important enabler of sustainable development. We recognize the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and of young people, individuals…

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We are HERE: Advocating for refugee education

The following is based on Professor Jo McIntyre's keynote introduction to the inaugural HERE Conference which took place in November 2022. View Presentation What is refugee education? This is a question I pose when working with beginning teachers at The University of Nottingham. It leads to the question: who are the refugee learners? They are not…

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52 Weeks Later… Ukraine, refugees and education

Introduction 20th February 2023 marked a year since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war which has forcibly displaced millions of people from Ukraine. In the first two months following the Russian invasion of Ukraine 4.9 million people fled their country (UNHCR, 2022) – almost double the 2.5 million refugees, mainly from Syria, Iraq and…

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How gardens make children feel empowered in togetherness

This Insight, by Vanina Ninova and the REFUGE-ED Bulgarian team, was originally posted on the REFUGE-ED project website. Tap here to find out more about the EU-funded project, which investigates educational and psychosocial support practices for migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking children across 6 European countries.   Intercultural gardens…

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Belonging and refugee education

Introduction SIRIUS Facebook Lives is a series of online discussions between international experts and practitioners around inclusive education for migrants and refugees. On International Day of Education 2023, Mialy Dermish, Executive Director of SIRIUS, hosted a discussion about Belonging and Refugee Education with Professor of Education at the…

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The Inaugural HERE Conference

Introduction The Hub for Education for Refugees in Europe (HERE) held its inaugural conference on 22nd-23rd November 2022: a Europe-wide gathering of researchers, policymakers and practitioners involved in refugee education and committed to building sustainable educational trajectories for refugees and displaced peoples in Europe. The HERE Team…

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HERE delivers several research workshops at conferences across Europe

Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli, a research associate with the HERE team, delivered two research workshops on the HERE database and website this past September at the British Educational Research Association conference in Liverpool, UK and the European Conference on Educational Research in Yerevan, Armenia. The workshops involved participants engaging…

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HERE presents latest findings from scoping review on Gender

Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli, a research associate with the HERE team, recently presented latest findings from our first scoping review at the British Educational Research Association conference in Liverpool, UK and the European Conference on Educational Research in Yerevan, Armenia. This scoping review aimed to show what we have learned from the HERE…

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The Art of Belonging

The Art of Belonging project was led by Professor Joanna McIntyre and was located in Lund, Sweden and Nottingham, England. The main research question for the project asked: How can place-specific arts and cultural initiatives help young refugees to develop a sense of belonging, and increase participation in the civic, social and cultural life of…

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Supporting the linguistic and socio-emotional development of refugee and asylum-seeking children in UK schools

In this joint Chartered College of Teaching and NALDIC webinar, Professor Jo McIntyre (University of Nottingham) and Amy Ashlee (Senior Research Officer at Refugee Education UK) shared some of the ways that they have been collaborating to support teachers’ professional development in relation to refugee and asylum-seeking children’s and young…

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