The present study seeks to develop an explanatory model of existing relationships between future work skills and academic self-efficacy of a sample of Unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) (n = 340) in Spain. The structural model demonstrated that management of cognitive load represents the main future work skill amongst UFM. Nonetheless, adaptive thinking acquires more relevance amongst those who have spent less time residing in Spain, whilst multidisiplinary capability is more relevant for those who have already been schooled. On the other hand, a stronger relationship existed between future work skills and effort within UFM who had spent less time residing in the country. However, UFM who had already received schooling acquired a greater association for comprehension and self-confidence within the construct of academic self-efficacy. Thus, it is essential for educational and foster care institutions to develop priority actions that meet the needs of UFMs from early ages. These should be aimed at psychosocial diagnosis and the implementation of action plans that will favour cultural immersion, language learning, team work and technology skills; which determines various action guidelines for social workers.
DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2021.1882394
ISSN: 1369-1457
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