In this section, the needs of refugee children are discussed within the framework of Maslow’s hierarchy and family systems theory, and explanations of children’s participation in educational processes, the use of technology in educational processes, and teacher guidance are given. In addition, the study aims to determine the knowledge, awareness, and experiences of preschool teachers in Turkey about integrating technology into education in classrooms for refugee children. In this direction, the teacher interview form on technology integration into activities with refugee children in early childhood was developed by the researchers, and the current situation was revealed by interviewing preschool teachers working with refugee children. As a result of the research, it was seen that refugee children in Turkey have problems with language and communication, adaptation and behavior problems, self-care skills, and cultural differences. It was found that teachers used language translation programs and technology-assisted instruction to solve these problems and made arrangements such as making extra explanations for refugee children in the context of language and culture, using Arabic materials, and speaking English. It was stated that technology integration was beneficial for refugee children in terms of easier language acquisition. “easier instruction, more adaptability and motivation, and faster learning, and it was emphasized that it provided equal opportunities with Turkish children. © 2024, IGI Global. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2591-9.ch006
ISBN: 979-836932592-6; 979-836932591-9
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