In this practical contribution two projects are presented that the authors conducted independently from one another and which are located chronologically before and after the noticeably major immigration wave in Germany in 2015: Christina Witz worked on the short film Good to know – an appointment with the gynaecologist with young farsi-speaking women in a long-term project at the media centre of the GWA St Pauli (Medienzentrum der GWA St. Pauli) between June 2013 and December 2014. Helge Jannink conducted several short term events for male, unaccompanied under-age refugees within the framework of the sex education programme of the family planning centre (Familienplanungszentrum e. V.) in Hamburg in 2016. Sex eduction with young refugees is presented here by means of these examples of long-term and short-term projects and concludes by asking the question as to whether differences can be discerned between the work in connection with the refugee target group and classical sex education practice.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-121974
ISSN: 0932-8114