Refugees face considerable challenges when leaving their homes, friends, and family members. They have to fight with uncertainty, instability, and adaptation to new ways of life, new communities, rules, and traditions. Successful integration of refugee schoolchildren is a holistic process that involves actions from the government, school authorities, teachers and classmates, as well as refugee families. Despite numerous measures that have been taken, the survey revealed significant challenges that refugees still face in German schools, including language barriers, misunderstandings with peers, and a lack of motivation caused by the fact of being ignored in the classroom. In order to facilitate the adaptation process, several solutions could be implemented: teacher training in psychology to learn about trauma and stress relief, workshops on differentiation and inclusion for educational leaders, providing online materials or resources to help improve language proficiency, creating support groups in social media, fostering peer support, organizing intercultural interaction in forms of extra-curriculum activities, providing advisers, organizing extra language courses, and adjusting assessment and criteria for final exams. © 2025 selection and editorial matter, Mary Gutman; individual chapters, the contributors.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003571575-16
ISBN: 978-104030233-0; 978-103294589-7
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