In times of wars, the role of educational leadership in ensuring progressive development of education is accompanied by the task of supporting students in crises. This chapter outlines the measures to support refugee students from Ukraine, provided by German schools in 2022–2024. Decentralised education management and mandatory school attendance are emphasised. Various models of school integration and measures implemented by Germany in 2022 to accommodate the large influx of refugee children from Ukraine are analysed. A survey of Ukrainian teachers and students’ parents supplements the measures taken in German schools to support and integrate refugee students and assesses their effectiveness from the respondents’ perspective. It provides information about their current needs and propositions for improving the integration process. It is confirmed that innovations such as learning the native language by refugee children positively impact the stabilisation of their psycho-emotional state. © 2025 selection and editorial matter, Mary Gutman; individual chapters, the contributors.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003571575-15
ISBN: 978-104030233-0; 978-103294589-7
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