What role did higher education play in addressing the refugee crisis? Many asylum seekers and refugees entering Europe in 2015 and 2016 were in the typical higher education age range and had been enrolled in university programmes in their home country. However, while continuing to study may be beneficial both for individuals and for host countries, integrating people who have escaped major conflict, who may be traumatised and who may lack language and other skills is far from a simple task. You will discover that in a majority of countries there is no specific policy approach on this matter and that only six higher education systems monitor the integration of asylum seekers and refugees into their institutions. Nevertheless, good practice can be found in a few countries on issues such as recognition of undocumented qualifications, support to language learning, provision of financial support and personal guidance services. The aim of this report, planned in the wake of two years of increased levels of migration, is to assess to what extent national systems have developed policy and measures to respond to the needs of asylum seekers and refugees. The report is divided into two parts: the first presents a selection of indicators on migratory flows; the second part offers an overview of policies and strategies across 35 European countries for the integration of asylum seekers and refugees into higher education.

DOI: 10.2797/548910

ISBN: 9789294929167, 9789294929136