As migratory waves increase and get more complex, social inequalities are likely to arise due to challenges associated with cultural differences, language or lack of supportive networks. Beside international laws and guidelines, responses have been developed for supporting young forced migrants inclusion in host countries. There are suggestions in the literature that sport, if intentionally used as an educational strategy with inclusive purposes, may benefit young forced migrants, not only in terms of their well-being but it may also provide a safe and educational space that allows opportunities for dialogue, language learning and cultural awareness. It is suggested that promoting its practice may create new forms of social, human and cultural capital, leading to meaningful relationships and a sense of (new) belonging. For young forced migrants, sport may become the first motivational asset for engaging with their host community due to familiarity and a common shared language. This article explores Portuguese settlement and inclusion practitioners’ perceptions and uses of sport as an inclusive educational strategy for young forced migrants. Methodologically, the article is based on document analysis of international and national policies and semi-structured interviews with Portuguese actors linked to settlement procedures and sport. The results indicate the existence of policies that aim to protect young forced migrants and acknowledge different challenges concerning their resettlement in Europe. Despite sport being perceived as a valuable educational strategy, particularly in language learning, and an inclusive mechanism for creating a sense of (new) belonging, there are currently limited policies and guidelines in Portugal to implement educational strategies that use sport to include young forced migrants. © 2024 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
DOI: 10.1080/13573322.2024.2359509
ISSN: 13573322
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