Directorate-General for Education Youth Sport and Culture
Supporting the inclusion of displaced children from Ukraine in education: considerations, key principles and practices for the school year 2022-2023
Millions of children and young people are fleeing the war in Ukraine and arriving in the European Union. The number of children and adolescents arriving from Ukraine is unprecedented in its scale in such a short time span. Children who have suffered the trauma of war and displacement are in need of support, including quick access to education and training.…
Refugees from Ukraine: support to school children and teachers: April 2022
Since the start of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, more than 3 million people have fled the country, with UN estimates suggesting that more than half of them are children. To respond to this unprecedented situation, the EU agreed in record time to activate the Temporary Protection Directive to help people fleeing war in Ukraine. The…
Inclusion of young refugees and migrants through education: ET 2020 working group on promoting common values and inclusive education
The Thematic Fiche on Inclusion of young refugees and migrants through education was produced by the members of the ET 2020 Working Group on Promoting Common Values and Inclusive Education. The Working Group operated within the context of the 2018-2020 Working Group mandate and comprised representatives from Member States and Candidate countries, as well as from relevant EU agencies, stakeholder…