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Kritické temporality: Vzdělávací trajektorie dětí uprchlíků z Ukrajiny [Critical temporality: Educational trajectories of refugee children from Ukraine]
The article deals with the issue of education of children from refugee families. The concept of critical temporalities provides a framework for thinking about these young people's threatened present and future. The aim is to show how the temporalities of different institutions and spaces interact and navigate the life courses of young people at one of the key moments in…
The trauma of child war refugees from Ukraine in the context of education
This qualitative study aims to describe and analyze the stories of child refugees from Ukraine. We compare their situations with those of child refugees from previous conflicts in Europe to better understand the experiences, attitudes, and needs of child refugees. A total of 43 narratives of children and young people between the ages of 7 and 20 were analyzed. Most…
Integrating asylum seekers and refugees into higher education in Europe: national policies and measures
What role did higher education play in addressing the refugee crisis? Many asylum seekers and refugees entering Europe in 2015 and 2016 were in the typical higher education age range and had been enrolled in university programmes in their home country. However, while continuing to study may be beneficial both for individuals and for host countries, integrating people who have…
Integration of refugees in Germany and Austria: German and acculturation [Integration von flüchtlingen in deutschland und österreich: Deutsch und akkulturation]
German for Foreigners (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) is an established field of German Studies which focuses on the methodology and didactics of teaching a language and a culture of communication. Should we want to refer to German used as the language of communication among immigrants living within a German-speaking environment, we need to talk about German as a Second Language (Deutsch…