Representations and recognition of (un)protected childhood: Dilemmas for Social Education from Melilla
The text1 reflects on the concepts of childhood, social justice, recognition and citizenship, focusing on unaccompanied children and the implications for the socio-educational function related to this group. For this purpose, five interviews were conducted with unaccompanied North African children, adolescents and young people (CAYP) residing in Melilla (Spain) and two of their educators. Two of the CAYP have not…
Educational integration of forcibly displaced persons in the EU countries [Integración educativa de personas desplazadas forzadamente en los países de la UE]
The aim of this work was to study the policy of the EU member states on the educational integration of forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine and to identify its consequences. Interviews were conducted with forcibly displaced persons from Ukraine to six EU countries. The School Motivation Questionnaire, by Luskanova, and the Phillips' School Anxiety Scale were used. The hosting countries…
The professional technological and academic profile of migrants and refugees in Spain. [El perfil profesional, tecnològico y académico de migrantes y refugiados en España]
This article shows the results of the partial analysis of a dataset recently coUected to identify the profile of migrants and refugees (hereinafter MRs) in Spain. These data are, in fact, a subset of the answers to a questionnaire fiUed in by the representatives of a significant sample of NGOs and associations that work with these people in the Autonomous…
Refugee woman in the spanish press: a didactic proposal for critical analysis of discourse in the university classroom [La mujer refugiada en la prensa española: una propuesta didáctica de análisis crítico del discurso en el aula universitaria1]
This paper offers a reflection on the inclusion of the gender perspective in the university classroom, specifically, within the compulsory subject of Strategies for communication in multilingual groups of the Degree in Social Education at the University of Almería (Spain). In this, a didactic training proposal for Social Education students is proposed from the parameters of Critical Discourse Analysis to…
Discursive analysis of the press representation of refugees in the field of education [Análisis discursivo de la representación en prensa de los refugiados en el ámbito educativo]
This article is part of the research framework of the R + D Research Project DIPURE (The Public Discourse on Refugees in Spain). The refugee crisis with which the media refers to the notable increase in refugees in 2015-especially-in the wake of the intensified conflict in Syria, our purpose is to analyze critically the discourse of written media (press) relating…
Needs of educators for the socio-educational attention of unaccompanied foreign children in reception centers [Necesidades de los educadores para la atención socioeducativa del menor extranjero no acompañado en los centros de acogida]
The present study aims to show a description of the characterization, training, and intervention carried out by educators who attend unaccompanied foreign minors in a reception center in the city of Granada, Spain. Nineteen educators were surveyed with a questionnaire and that was then analyzed using a quantitative methodology. The results obtained revealed a series of needs presented by the…
Déficits in educational action with vulnerable adolescents from Latin America living in Spain [Déficits en la acción socioeducativa dirigida a adolescentes vulnerables latinoamericanos residentes en España]
The Protection System for Children and Adolescents in Spain has the same mechanisms for the national population as it does for the foreign population of children and Young people who are originally from Latin American. This research aimed to determine the specific emancipation difficulties of youths from Latin America with a Child Protective Service record, as well as to identify…
Vocational education and training: bridging refugee and employer needs
Vocational education and training (VET) programmes can help connect migrants with the labour market and find jobs matching their skills and qualifications. However, considering the growing numbers of both asylum seekers and refugees, there is a need to upscale, adapt and reinvent VET programmes. Efforts to step up education and training provision and broaden access can be observed across the…
Compensatory education as a measure for the refugee and migrant population: Evolution of outcomes [La educación compensatoria como medida para la población refugiada y migrante: Evolución de resultados]
This research explains the essential characteristics of the organisation of compensatory education programmes as they are implemented in a centre in the Community of Madrid (Spain), It also presents the typology of compensatory education and approaches the results of the investments made in them according to their modalities and to a specific theoretical analysis. Once the study was contextualized, sets…
Global education monitoring report, 2019: Migration, displacement and education: building bridges, not walls
[No abstract available]
Vocational & technical education
Teachers & educational staff
Adult education & training
Access & participation
Racism & discrimination
Tertiary education
Secondary education
Language education
Maths education
Primary education
Early childhood education
Rural setting
Integrating asylum seekers and refugees into higher education in Europe: national policies and measures
What role did higher education play in addressing the refugee crisis? Many asylum seekers and refugees entering Europe in 2015 and 2016 were in the typical higher education age range and had been enrolled in university programmes in their home country. However, while continuing to study may be beneficial both for individuals and for host countries, integrating people who have…
Integration & assimilation
Undocumented migrants
Policy & law
Access & participation
Mental health & psychosocial well-being
Formal education
Tertiary education
Human rights
Language education