Social workers
English in displacement: Language learning and test preparation experiences of refugees and asylum seekers
In an effort to better support adult and refugee English language learners, this paper aims to focus on understanding the needs and experiences of one specific group, that is, refugee and asylum seeker healthcare professionals (RASHPs), based in the United Kingdom. RASHPs tend to be highly educated and experienced learners. One of their main objectives is to acquire high levels…
The pathways of unaccompanied foreign minors evaluated by the social workers: A case study in Italy
Social workers, who are responsible for unaccompanied minors (UAM), have in-depth knowledge of those minors’ backgrounds and the reception pathways they follow. The social workers support key aspects of UAM integration such as learning the host country’s language, school integration and vocational training. Via 566 interviews collected through a survey carried out in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan, we…
Exploring socio-ecological factors that support the navigation and negotiation of education by unaccompanied and separated children in Greece
Record numbers of unaccompanied refugee minors continue to arrive in high-income countries seeking asylum and protection. Despite receiving educational support, unaccompanied refugee minors continue to be vulnerable to negative educational experiences and outcomes. The review investigates what resilience factors enable unaccompanied refugee minors in high-income countries to have positive educational experiences and outcomes. It aims to inform the literature on…
Resilience & adaptation
Unaccompanied & separated children
Formal education
Tertiary education
Secondary education
Language education
Non-formal education
Social workers
Surveys & questionnaire
Digital education
Thematic content analysis
Correlational analysis
Adult education & training
Teachers & educational staff
Informal education
Upskilling as integration policy: Making the most of refugees’ human capital in a context of skill shortage
The integration of refugees is a serious social policy problem in many advanced countries, and current trends suggest that this issue is unlikely to disappear soon. At the same time, these countries are also experiencing skill shortages in expanding sectors. These twin pressures create an opportunity to use education as a tool to pursue refugee integration. We investigate how refugees…
Social practices with young refugees and asylum seekers: Emergency policies and shortcomings of the Spanish reception system
Young refugees and asylum seekers face obstacles in their socio-educational pathways and employability in Catalonia (Spain). This study analyzes the social practice of professionals who provide reception services to young people in not-for-profit organizations. The results show the lack of transformative capacity of social practice, the precariousness of resources, and increasingly restrictive policies weakening the objective of social intervention to…
Community integration, quality of life, thriving, and mental health among refugees and asylum seekers. A London service provider perspective
Introduction: This article explores how systemic injustices and social inequalities affect refugee and asylum seeker integration, thriving, and mental health in London. This is pertinent as the United Kingdom currently operates a ‘broken’ asylum system with unfair policies and a ‘tough’ immigration rhetoric which makes it extraordinarily difficult for asylum seekers and refugees to achieve community integration, have a good…
A national mental health cascade training programme for practitioners supporting unaccompanied minors in Greece
Background: Practitioners who support unaccompanied minors (UAMs) come from different professional backgrounds and often are not appropriately trained to address children’s complex mental health needs. This gap informed a training programme across all accommodation centres in Greece. Methods: The aim of the Train-of-Trainer (ToT) national programme was to upskill trainers from 17 organisations to cascade knowledge. Training was interprofessional, trauma-informed…
War refugees from Ukraine in Poland: The welfare system in the face of new social challenges
The article describes the experiences of social workers in Poland supporting refugees from Ukraine who came to Poland after the outbreak of the war in February 2022. Social work is a profession that supports vulnerable people in need, including those experiencing war. A social worker is a professional who “can help translate policy into workable projects, help design and evaluate…
Psychosocial and integration needs of unaccompanied children in Greece
This article seeks to fill the research gap on the psychosocial and integration needs of unaccompanied children and the challenges they encounter to reach autonomy and social integration. To address this issue, the study utilized a qualitative research survey interviewing 18 field professionals, which indicated that the key challenges include insufficient preparation, institutionalization, uncertainty about the future, asylum procedures, and…
‘I just want to go home, is what I need’ – Voices of Ukrainian refugee children living in Estonia after fleeing the war
This study explores the experiences of Ukrainian refugee children in Estonia following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 with a focus on their daily functioning, challenges, and resilience. Three main themes emerged from interviews carried out from October through December 2022 with 11 refugee children aged 10 to 16. First, the adaptation process was related to various challenges including…
Young, unaccompanied refugees’ expectations of social workers and social worker roles
Background: Young people who have travelled to another country, unaccompanied and with refugee status, are a both resilient and vulnerable group with specific needs. Supporting them is often challenging for social workers, and providing this support is mediated by the expectations that these young people have of social workers and social worker roles. Aim: In this study, we explore how…
Engaging in critical consciousness in social work education: reflections from a student-academic international refugee activist project
Engaging in critical consciousness has been central for anti-oppressive practice in social work education. This article presents reflections on migration and (anti-) oppressive social work practices based on a student-academic activist project beginning in the North-East (NE) of England. The project involved MA social work students and two academics from a NE university, organizing a series of events aimed at…
Using composite case material to develop trauma‐informed psychoeducation for social care workers looking after unaccompanied minors in residential care in Ireland
Although the provision of trauma‐informed psychoeducation for carers of adolescents who have experienced traumatic events has been shown to be a fundamental aspect of the recovery process, it is not routinely made available to the social care workers who look after unaccompanied asylum‐seeking adolescents living in residential care. Furthermore, the development of the content of trauma‐informed psychoeducation is rarely informed…
Making the Family Relationships of the Unaccompanied Youth Visible: An Opportunity to Include a New Actor in Children Care
The objective of this article is to identify those situations where the families of fostered unaccompanied migrant children are made visible in order to favor the incorporation of these families into the pathway planning. The study design is qualitative exploratory. The fieldwork was carried out in Spain and involved working groups with specialized professionals. The results show that the authorities…
Sustainable Development Goals and social work in the migration context–a higher education dialogue between Germany, Jordan, and Lebanon
Germany, Jordan, and Lebanon’s social, political, and socio-economic structures are influenced by a long history of them receiving refugees and migrants. This was a starting point for the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg (Germany), the German Jordanian University, Yarmouk University (Jordan), and the Lebanese University to engage in an intercultural and professional exchange project on social work in the field…
Practitioners’ perspectives and needs: Developing skills to support unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASCs) in experiencing ‘belonging’ in English educational spaces
This article builds on Yuval-Davis’s (2006, 2007, 2011) theories of belonging, in order to relay how practitioners can support unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASCs) in developing a positive sense of belonging in educational spaces in England. To do so, the article synthesises literature surrounding theories of belonging, UASCs’ educational access in England and practices supporting UASCs’ educational attainment and sense of…
Living in the European borderlands: Representation, humanitarian work, and integration in times of crises in Greece
The migration flows that peaked during the 2015-2016 “refugee crisis” have had long-lasting effects to the countries of the European South. The latter have been deemed as border wardens of the European Union, filtering the “undesirables” who pose a threat to the European North, and by extension a proclaimed “Western way of life.” This project examines the living conditions of…
Academic self-efficacy and future work skills in unaccompanied foreign minors: structural equation analysis according to residence time [Autoeficacia académica y habilidades para el futuro laboral en menores extranjeros no acompañados: Análisis mediante ecuaciones estructurales según tiempo de residencia]
The present study seeks to develop an explanatory model of existing relationships between future work skills and academic self-efficacy of a sample of Unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) (n = 340) in Spain. The structural model demonstrated that management of cognitive load represents the main future work skill amongst UFM. Nonetheless, adaptive thinking acquires more relevance amongst those who have spent…
Enhancing social work education’s diversity-oriented perspective by integrating refugees into higher education: Experiences from the ‘refugee crisis’ in Germany
This note describes how integrating refugees into programs of social work education at universities and universities of applied sciences in Germany influenced the education provided, especially in rural areas where student bodies tend to be homogeneous groups. The refugees enrolled in social work courses changed those mostly homogeneous groups of students not only with their presence but moreover by introducing…
An exploration of teachers’ perceptions of Syrian students in Turkey and implications for school social work
Low rates of school enrolment emerge as a significant problem among Syrian students in Turkey; however, enrolment in the school brings about new challenges not only for the Syrian refugee students but also for Turkish students and their teachers. In order to address this issue, this study aims to depict the perceived problems experienced by Syrian and Turkish students and…
Improving labour market access for refugees in Calabria: Key findings and recommendations
Access to employment is a key factor for migrant integration not only as a means of socio-economic incorporation, but also because it can help a person build relationships, support wellbeing and increase the sense of belonging to the local community. In the Italian context, the employment of migrants is constantly on the rise although only a small proportion are in…
Integration Policies, Practices & Experiences: Poland Country Report
This report focuses on integration policies towards beneficiaries of international protection in Poland in the period of 2011-2019. It also sheds light on the experiences of integration of the beneficiaries of such protection. The findings of our research indicate that the case of Poland is characterised by lack of official integration strategy. Several legal acts deal with different aspects of…
Civil Servants Talk Back – Political Subjectivity and (Re) Constructions of the Nation
This article discusses the emergence of political subjectivity and politicization among social workers and teachers. We present situations that have induced teachers and social workers to become politically active and examine what their struggle might imply for these unaccompanied children. We also ask how the nation state is interpellated and transformed. Drawing on Laclau, Mouffe and Biesta, we find that…
Croatian Experience with the Refugee Crisis on the Balkan Route and Possible Implications for Social Work Practice and Education
The purpose of this review article is to describe some aspects of the migration crises experience that Croatia as a Member State on the European Union external border went through as a transit country on the Balkan route 2015–2016. In that period of time, migrant movement was the most intensive, when Croatia received more than 600,000 refugees and migrants who…
Social Work Education in Uncertain Times: Protecting the Human Rights of Migrants
In Greece, the coincidence of deep austerity occurring at the same time as the advent of large numbers of incoming asylum seekers and migrants has created an extremely pressing condition for social work practice. Social workers in state and municipal social services and in nongovernmental organizations are setting up frontline intensive interventions for arriving migrants and those staying in camps…
Conceptualising educational provision for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in England
The right to education for all children, including asylum-seeking children, is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. However, there is little research available to describe the educational provision provided to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) in England. Crucially, it is not known whether the educational needs are met by the provision available to UASC. In the…
Reconceptualising refugee education: exploring the diverse learning contexts of unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement
This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning contexts beyond school. Drawing from a qualitative study based on interviews with unaccompanied young refugees, educators and social workers in Norway, the findings emphasise the need for a holistic approach to refugee education in and across contexts of learning. The refugees originate from countries where access to formal schooling was…
Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
Refugees face transitions in their lives: at an individual, a social and a cultural level. This book covers various aspects of these transitions and their intersections with educational experiences. Studies from different country contexts show the complex relationships between individual, culture, society and institutions. Examining these relationships and experiences during transitional processes aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of…
Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Minors, NGO cooperation, Teaching Materials – National Roundtable of Bulgaria 2019
The National Round Table (NRT) 2019 program was structured around 4+1 topics related to educational integration of refugee children. The 4 main topics were chosen by the participants in the NRT 2018 in Sofia as the most relevant nationally. To take advantage of the pan-European nature of the SIRIUS Network and its spin-off projects, a special focus was put on…
Analysis of care and education pathways of refugee and asylum-seeking children in care in England: Implications for social work
There are currently 4,560 refugee and asylum-seeking children in care in England, but little is known about their care histories and educational outcomes. This study analysed the educational outcomes of unaccompanied refugee and asylum-seeking children in care at age 16 (n = 167) in 2013, using secondary data analysis. It compared their care histories and educational experiences with other children…
What is the Impact of Placement Type on Educational and Health Outcomes of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors? A Systematic Review of the Evidence
Record numbers of unaccompanied refugee minors have been arriving in high-income countries since 2015. Child welfare agencies and non-governmental organisations tasked with providing services have struggled to cope with demands on their services as a result. Despite this, there is little research on how best to meet their needs and in particular what services can mitigate the psychological difficulties they…
The role of arts in raising ethical awareness and knowledge of the European refugee crisis among social work students. An example from the classroom
This paper presents and discusses an arts-based project, carried out by the first-year students in the classroom, at the Department of Social Work, in Athens, Greece. The project was designed for raising ethical awareness and knowledge of the 2015 Europe’s refugee crisis among social work students. The purpose of this project was three-fold: (1) to help students to better understand…
Implementing of education programs for refugees and asylumseekers – Challenges and chances in the lights of organiational theory [Die Implementierung neuer Konzepte zur Beschulung von Flüchtlingen und Asylsuchenden – Herausforderungen und Chancen aus organisationstheoretischer Perspektive]
During the last year the amount of refugees and asylum seekers has increased tremendously all over the world. Many refugees arrived in Germany asking for help and integration. Politicians were challenged to offer educational programs in particular for the young, (un-) accompanied minors. In Bavaria an extensive vocational education program has been developed and started to be established under tremendous…