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Triple disadvantage? A first overview of the integration of refugee women
45% of refugees in Europe are women, yet little is known on their integration outcomes and the specific challenges they face. This report summarises prior research on the integration of refugee women, both compared with refugee men and other immigrant women. It also provides new comparative evidence from selected European and non-European OECD countries. Refugee women face a number of…
The human capital selection of young males seeking asylum in Germany
This study analyses the selection of a sample of 203 young male asylum seekers from Middle Eastern and African countries that recently arrived in Germany. The findings suggest that, on average, asylum seekers in our sample have 22% more years of schooling—the indicator used for human capital—when compared to same-aged males from their country of origin. In addition, the analysis…
Education for refugee and asylum seeking children: Access and quality in England, Scotland and Wales
In 2017, UNICEF UK commissioned research to understand how far refugee and asylum-seeking children are currently accessing their right to education in the UK. For children on the move who come to the UK, education is one of the first and most critical services they need access to. This report, produced by Refugee Support Network, provides an up-to-date overview of…
Supporting and including refugee and asylum seeking children in education
This article provides a brief overview of the current refugee crisis in Europe; the experiences of child refugees and; subsequent impacts on their lives and education.
Responding to the ECEC needs of children of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe and North America
In Europe and North America, the arrival of heightened numbers of refugees and asylum seekers in recent years has challenged the ability of governments and service providers to both meet initial reception needs and provide effective long-term integration services. Young children make up a significant share of these newcomers. As a result, there is a pressing need for early childhood…
Improving education for refugee background students: Research findings
This research aimed to understand the experiences of refugee background students (RBS) in secondary schools and colleges in order to support their progression to Higher Education. The research focused on the refugee students’ experiences of arriving in, and moving through, the education system. Additionally, the research looked at the aspirations of young refugees, how these are being met and their…
Mobile learning and self-worth: The case of Syrian refugees from a Kantian perspective
As the war in Syria is about to enter its seventh year, Syrians continue to head towards Europe to seek safety and protection. This challenges European countries to provide urgent relief and services including education for a high number of Syrian refugees every year. However, the journey of Syrian refugees does not end with their arrival to safety. The refugee…
The effect of displacement: Living as a refugee: An exploration of displaced people in refugee camps in Greece
This study utilized a phenomenological approach to describe the experience of displaced individuals and families in a condition of statelessness in a refugee camp and their experiences pre-flight, trans-flight, and post-flight. Topics addressed included the conditions that led to flight from the country of origin and the individual and family experiences in the country of origin prior to flight and…
The importance of refugee literature in the EFL classroom
The term ‘refugee literature’ refers to texts which are written by, for, or about refugees. The aim of this diploma thesis is to investigate the importance of refugee literature for today’s EFL classroom. At the heart of this thesis lies the analysis of three novels which are concerned with refugees. Even if only two of them, Refugee Boy by Benjamin…
Widening access to refugees: Responses of Austrian public universities
Europe has been a scene of mass migration unparalleled in scale since the World War II in the last couple of years. With the recent migration flow, higher education institutions have confronted with the new challenge of managing a diverse student body from refugees and asylum seekers. Likewise, refugee and asylum seeking students have encountered various barriers in accessing higher…
Refugees Welcome? Recognition of Qualifications Held by Refugees and Their Access to Higher Education in Europe–Country Analyses
The European Students' Union with the support of the Open Society Foundation published a new study on recognition of qualifications held by refugees and their access to higher education in Europe. The paper analyses how a selected pool of countries use education as an instrument for inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers and persons in refugee-like situation. The report includes detailed…
Vocational education and training: bridging refugee and employer needs
Vocational education and training (VET) programmes can help connect migrants with the labour market and find jobs matching their skills and qualifications. However, considering the growing numbers of both asylum seekers and refugees, there is a need to upscale, adapt and reinvent VET programmes. Efforts to step up education and training provision and broaden access can be observed across the…
Supporting early childhood teacher’s competences in the encounter with refugee children and their families [Die unterstützung der kompetenzentwicklung von kita-teams in der begegnung mit kindern und familien mit fluchterfahrung]
Children and families with experiences as refugees bring out a challenge for the professionals in early childhood institutions (kindergarten). A curriculum to strengthen the competencies of early childhood teacher teams in the encounter with children and families with flight ex­periences was developed, implemented and evaluated. The article shows the objectives of this curriculum and the first evaluation results. The evaluation…
MOOCs and free digital learning for the inclusion of migrants and refugees: A european policy study
MOOCs and free digital learning (FDL) are among the tools used to respond to the education needs of migrants and refugees in Europe. However, there is little guidance on how to design institutional initiatives and supporting policies in this area. This paper presents the main findings of a study exploring the potential of MOOCs and other FDL offers for the…
Current events of spatial proportions during lessons on regional geography of Europe in general secondary school: The refugee crisis [Aktuálni dogodki prostorskih razsežnosti pri pouku regionálne geografije Evrope v gimnaziji: Begunska kriza]
The discussion of current events of spatial proportions during lessons is in accordance with the educational mission of the regional geography of Europe in Slovenian general secondary schools. The topicality and real-world examples result in quality motivation to learn, while being informed is an imperative of education for sustainable development and leads to an active and responsible citizenship of young…
Designing an international distance postgraduate programme for language educators as a critical reaction to the needs of refugees and migrants
In this paper we present and discuss the conception and design of the new postgraduate programme "Language Education for Refugees and Migrants" (LRM) as an initiative of the Hellenic Open University in order to critically react to the needs of refugees and migrants in current times of refugee flows to and through in Greece. We describe the course design and…
School counselors’ roles and responsibilities in cultural adaptation process of syrian refugee children [Suriyeli mülteci çocuklarin kültürel uyum sürecinde okul psikolojik danişmanlarina düşen rol ve sorumluluklar]
Turkey is the most welcoming country to Syrian refugees and currently it is believed that most of the Syrian refugees will permanently stay in Turkey. This condense migration experience should be considered comprehensively regarding health, accommodation, nourishment, work and education rights. Syrian refugee children and adolescents constitute the largest Syrian refugee population. Currently formal education is provided to some of…
Online digital mentorship: How might a digital communication tool facilitate informal learning and integration of newly arrived in Sweden
The arrival of large groups of refugees is one of the great challenges in Europe today. In Sweden around 100 000 new immigrants is expected to arrive from Syria only during 2017 and there are large groups from various countries already staying in Sweden that are not properly integrated. There are no quick and smart solution to solve the inclusion…
The potential and reality of new refugees entering german higher education: The case of Berlin institutions
By the close of 2015, roughly 890,000 new refugees had arrived in Germany, more than half fleeing the ongoing Syrian Civil War. While Germany had been accustomed to heavy migration streams since the end of the Second World War, the speed of the refugee influx was unexpected. Federal, state, and municipal governments and German civil society, including educational institutions, were…
Effort to create hope for ‘lost generation’: Perspectives of Turkish efl teachers
Millions of refugees have recently migrated to Turkey with the start of the crisis in their countries. As education is one of the most crucial factors shaping the future of these refugees, studies are needed in this respect to reflect their current needs and problems in the host countries. From this point of view, this paper aimed to explore the…
Evaluation of a school-based, teacher-delivered psychological intervention group program for trauma-affected Syrian refugee children in Istanbul, Turkey
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate an innovative, protocol-based, group cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program delivered by trained teachers to reduce emotional distress and improve psychological functioning among the war-traumatized Syrian refugee students living in Istanbul. Methods: A total of 32 participants, aged between 10 and 15 years (mean = 12.41, SD = 1.68) and mostly females…
‘The other brick in the wall’: Integrating and empowering refugee students through intercultural education; a case study from greece
The refugee crisis, the largest migratory wave since the Second World War, has constituted a challenge for European societies, at an economic, social, but also moral level. In times of frustration, when European values appear more fragile than ever, education can play a key role in the management of the crisis and the prevention of discrimination. Greece has been one…
International Perspectives on the Pedagogies of Educational Transitions
There has been a great deal written recently about children starting school, particularly primary school. All of the stakeholders in these transitions to school have been considered, along with matters of readiness – for the child, family, educators, schools and communities; adjustment and adaptation; continuity and change in curricula and learning; and the opportunities, aspirations, expectations and entitlements encompassed in…
Working with refugees in Gothenburg, Sweden
This commentary contributes to the dialogue about societal challenges and responses to the increasing number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum in Europe. The piece provides an example of how university students in a field-based study programme offer daily activities to asylum seeking boys, who are not offered proper schooling by the local authorities. Experiences from the project reveal that partnership…
Reconceptualising refugee education: exploring the diverse learning contexts of unaccompanied young refugees upon resettlement
This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning contexts beyond school. Drawing from a qualitative study based on interviews with unaccompanied young refugees, educators and social workers in Norway, the findings emphasise the need for a holistic approach to refugee education in and across contexts of learning. The refugees originate from countries where access to formal schooling was…
The right to education of children and youngsters from refugee families in Europe
The right to education of children and youth from asylum seeker and refugee families is currently being threatened in Europe. Two factors explain this: the sudden and disorganised arrival of large numbers of asylum seeker families, and the inconsistent integration of those seeking refugee status and those who have gained such status. The actual implementation of the right to education…
Literacy in France: A crossroad between health and social aesthetics. Contribution from two studies realized near Paris [L’alphabétisation en France : au croisement de la santé et d’une esthétique sociale. Contribution à partir de deux études de cas réalisées dans le Val d’Oise]
Current events today put forward the arrival of political refugees in large numbers. Many are trying to find asylum in European countries. Which welcome should Europeans give, enlightens the problems of conflict of civilizations, difficulties of social integration, unemployment, exclusion, academic failure but also that of the disparity regarding health issues… The question of living together arises in a crucial…
Art and/as open education: A collaborative action with refugee artists
The article illustrates the potential of engaged arts-based pedagogies in higher education with respect to integration interventions for young refugees in Europe. It discusses the conception and implementation of the collaborative initiative “Find Refuge in Art”, which was part of the research Project PRESS at the Hellenic Open University. This example shows how artistic synergy may become an integral part…
Perspectives on Transitions in Refugee Education: Ruptures, Passages, and Re-Orientations
Refugees face transitions in their lives: at an individual, a social and a cultural level. This book covers various aspects of these transitions and their intersections with educational experiences. Studies from different country contexts show the complex relationships between individual, culture, society and institutions. Examining these relationships and experiences during transitional processes aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of…
Frontiers of belonging: the education of unaccompanied refugee youth
As unprecedented numbers of unaccompanied African minors requested asylum in Europe in 2015, Annika Lems witnessed a peculiar dynamic: despite inclusionary language in official policy and broader society, these children faced a deluge of exclusionary practices in the classroom and beyond. Frontiers of Belonging traces the educational paths of refugee youth arriving in Switzerland amid the shifting sociopolitical terrain of…
Towards a Trauma-informed ELT Pedagogy for Refugees
Although not usually trained therapists, in many contexts around the world 'teachers are on the front line of coping with the outcomes of displacement', one of which is trauma, and, consequently, 'language learning classes are increasingly seen by many agencies as a potential space in which to deliver psychosocial support' (Capstick, 2018: 60). However, research and training into appropriate trauma-informed…
It’s all about the story: Personal narratives in children’s literature about refugees
Stories are one way that experiences, ideas and culture are shared with children in educational settings. Commercially published books are the standard means in schools for sharing stories. Qualitative content analysis was carried out on 30 personal narrative-based children's picture books. While the range of stories told in books is vast, our research focuses on refugee stories for children in…
Guiding, shaping and resisting: Refugee mothers’ educational strategies as they navigate ‘unsettlement’
Contrary to popular media tropes of the ‘young, lone, male refugee’ arriving at Europe’s borders, Greece has in fact seen a steady flow of female refugees arriving since 2015. Most newcomers come in family groups, and many, including teenage girls, are mothers – many of whom aspire to continue (or begin) their schooling. While access to formal education has increased…
Concluding thoughts
This concluding chapter brings together the voices of both authors and reflects upon the learning from Sections 1 and 2. It articulates the ways in which the book has developed an inclusive model for the education of refugee children and illustrates enabling factors for realising this in the English context. The chapter asserts that it is to the benefit of…
Policy environment – England
This chapter describes the current policy environment as it impacts on the education of newly arrived refugee children in England. It begins by reflecting that there is in fact little in the way of a coherent policy for this group, and then describes some of the key pieces of legislation which affect them, along with the funding arrangements for education.…
On the ground: The East of England
This chapter describes the practical reality of day-to-day life for refugee children and for those working for them in a single region of England. It is based around on-the-ground reportage and on interviews with young people, with practitioners working in the voluntary and public sectors and with the staff at an independent school which has welcomed a number of recent…
A historical narrative of refugee education in England
This chapter delves into history in search of examples which could prove useful or interesting to those who seek to change, implement or improve today’s educational policy environment. Starting with the arrival of the Huguenots in the 17th Century and finishing with the Vietnamese who came on resettlement programmes between 1978 and 1988, it uses a series of case studies…
A bespoke model of inclusive education for new arrivals
This chapter begins with a portrait of life at Fern College, a bespoke post-16 provision for refugee and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. The chapter then explains the context for the development of this full-time provision, which is a pilot project whose holistic curriculum was heavily influenced and shaped by the theoretical concepts of safety, belonging and success. The chapter then analyses…
Education and the concept of success
The chapter begins with Gare’s reflections upon the ways in which he is now able to consider a future in his new context and in so doing introduces the concept of success within education provision for refugee children who have very differing start and end points from their peers. The chapter illustrates how success takes on different forms through the…
Education and the growth of belonging
This chapter begins with a further extract from an interview with Gare, which illustrates how he has experienced a sense of belonging as he has built connections within and outside his education provision. The chapter then moves to a portrait of Jasmine Gardens Academy, which offers a rich case study of how one institution works to foster a growing sense…
Education and the search for safety
The chapter opens with an extract from Gare’s story, which illustrates the importance of the concept of safety through education for one refugee child. The chapter then offers a descriptive case study of Larkspur School, focusing on the practices and organisational structures that are in place to help refugee children experience a sense of safety. The case study portrait draws…
Redistribution, recognition and representation
This chapter introduces the second theoretical framing for the book, Nancy Fraser’s theory of social justice as ‘participatory parity’, and the associated tripartite components of redistribution, recognition and representation. The chapter argues for a socially just frame for inclusion. It begins with an overview of the concept of social justice in relation to the topic of meaningful and high-quality inclusion…
Safety, belonging and success
This chapter begins with an overview of the context of the movement of people across borders, the notion of a refugee ‘crisis’ in Europe and the political responses to this. Despite hostile and complicated bureaucratic barriers, people still seek refuge in destinations far from their starting points. Often, for young people this is due to the pull of education. This…