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Social inclusion of refugees through digital learning: Means, needs, and goals
Harvesting the uncountable benefits of ICT advances has been one of the key goals of the Information Systems field, in particular how research findings can inform professional practices and policymakers on how to improve and develop our societies. Teaming up with these efforts, we tackle in this study the aspects of education, e-learning, and language learning by Syrian refugees in…
Refugees in neoliberal universities
Open Learning Initiative (OLIve) at the University of East London has been preparing forced migrant students for university in the UK since 2019. One of the main barriers for creating meaningful support for forced migrants is the hostile environment which shifts border control to educational institutions; ever increasing bureaucratic pressures to follow and document procedures; and the neo-liberalisation of universities…
CSR Implementations in refugee education: the case of Syrians in Turkey
Purpose: Global governmentality to deal with refugee crises and related cohesion problems suggests the private sector’s activation. The purpose of this study is to theoretically understand this preference together with the global increase of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and empirically access the CSR implementation in Turkey by focussing on government policy towards refugee education for Syrian children in Turkey. Design/methodology/approach:…
Contesting language policy for asylum seekers in the Northern periphery: the story of Tailor F
This article is about navigating asylum, employment and language policy in a new country as an asylum seeker. Through the story of one individual, we show that profound inequalities are exacerbated when forced migrants are limited in their choice of language they might study or use. The individual is Tailor F, an Iraqi man seeking asylum, and the country is…
Tonality of the concept “refugee” in the german mass-media discourse of different political content
Recently, there have been profound social, political and economic changes in Europe, associated with a huge influx of refugees. The relevance of the studied language problem is connected with the changes that took place in Germany which have influenced the state, political parties and the population’s attitude towards refugees, and, in particular, the presentation of the unresolved problems of t…
Micro-level initiatives to facilitate the integration of resettled refugees
Integration, a two-way process involving refugees and the host population, is a politically contentious issue. Successful integration of newcomers in a receiving community is required to create a cohesive society. Yet, there is still little understanding of how integration strategies are employed at a community level. This paper explores how micro-level activities such as education in local schools, lifelong learning…
Needs of educators for the socio-educational attention of unaccompanied foreign children in reception centers [Necesidades de los educadores para la atención socioeducativa del menor extranjero no acompañado en los centros de acogida]
The present study aims to show a description of the characterization, training, and intervention carried out by educators who attend unaccompanied foreign minors in a reception center in the city of Granada, Spain. Nineteen educators were surveyed with a questionnaire and that was then analyzed using a quantitative methodology. The results obtained revealed a series of needs presented by the…
The effect of local discourses adapted by teachers on Syrian child refugees’ schooling experiences in Turkey
This critical ethnography explains how and why refugee children experience schooling in specific ways by examining teachers’ use and interpretation of local refugee accommodation policies. It argues that locals’ understanding of refugee protection framework to host refugees generates discourses such as brotherhood/sisterhood and guest and these discourses have an impact on the schooling practices and teachers’ approaches to educating refugee…
Ecology of social justice leadership: How schools are responsive to refugee students
Witnessing a tremendous influx of refugees in the last years, Turkish schools have turned into a multicultural environment with various ethnic, racial, and religious student populations. Given that there may be cases of marginalization or injustices for the refugee students at Turkish schools, this study seeks to explore to what extent school principals can perform social justice practices within the…
Integration and adaptation policy towards migrants in Germany: Lessons from unexpected experiences
This chapter reviews the integration experiences and policies in Germany before and after the so-called “refugee crisis’. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s famous words ‘wir schaffen das’ (we manage this) have mobilized both policy actions and a massive grassroots engagement. In this context, we discuss the scope, efficiency and impact of German integration and adaptation policies. We review critically how Germany has…
Professional development of Syrian refugee women: proceeding with a career within education
This research investigates professional development with Syrian refugee women teachers settled in Lebanon and Sweden. Both countries offer professional training programmes for migrant teachers, enabling them to proceed with their careers. The purpose is to investigate how moving to a new country calls for an opportunity to engage in practice development and the role digital literacy plays in the refugees’…
Refugee families in Iceland: opportunities and challenges in schools and society
In 2016, a group of 55 Syrian quota refugees arrived in Iceland from Lebanon and settled in three municipalities. There were 11 families comprising 20 adults and 35 children. This study1 aimed to critically explore the experiences, opportunities and challenges of these children, their parents, their teachers and principals in the municipalities of their resettlement since their arrival in Iceland.…
Towards more equitable education: meeting health and wellbeing needs of newly arrived migrant and refugee children—perspectives from educators in Denmark and Sweden
Purpose - In 2015, Scandinavia experienced the arrival of many refugee children. Research has documented a higher prevalence of mental health problems among refugee compared to non-migrant children. Education and schools play an important role in the health and wellbeing of children, especially those who are vulnerable, and equity in education may help combat social and health inequalities. This study…
Teaching non-italian students: Italian adaptation of the questionnaire on teachers’ perspectives * [Insegnare agli studenti non italiani: Adattamento in italiano del questionario sulle percezioni degli insegnanti]
The survey of teachers’ perspectives on the teaching of refugees and immigrant pupils by Kurbegovic (2016) is used to evaluate five dimensions of teachers’ self-perception: Self-efficacy, Implementation Practices, Cultural Competence, Competence/Preparation and Student Needs. The present study is aimed at analysing the self-awareness of primary school teachers of the teaching of refugee and immigrant students in Italy. The survey of…
How can migrant entrepreneurship education contribute to the achievement of the sustainable development goals? The experience of the fresh start programme
This article considers the implications of migrant entrepreneurship education (MEEd) for sustainability and for the work of global adult educators. It will present some insights into the opportunities and challenges created by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the experience of running the Fresh Start (FS) MEEd programme. This programme, funded by the European Union (EU) in 2017-2019, brought together…
Professional Narratives in Refugee Education: Volunteer Teachers’ Challenges, Needs, Skills, and Accomplishments within the Framework of Non-Formal Education
This paper, which adopts a narrative and autobiographical narrative inquiry, aims to highlight the meaningful stories of four volunteers, including the researcher herself, who have offered language support to refugee students at a refugee camp in central Greece. Narratives are a crucial feature of human existence since they determine our traits, values, and worldviews. The individual stories of a small…
Refugee Youth Educational Trajectories
This is an account of three refugee youth—Yaser, Abas, and Malek—who fled from their home countries and arrived in Greece after 2015 as unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors. All three youngsters were fluent in English and engaged in public narration at the Intercultural Forum in Nafplion Greece in June 2018. Through vivid narratives, they showcase their tireless efforts to obtain formal education…
A Professional Narrative about Refugee Education in Non-Formal Education Learning Centers in Athens
This article is about where I saw myself in taking Refugee Education challenges as a teacher in a non-formal education center. I will also reflect on the required types of responsibilities and skills in the Refugee Education field as well as my main accomplishments as a Greek language teacher. I am going to analyze the precarious-transit status of refugee students…
Professional Narratives in Refugee Education
The dramatic increase of population movement toward the borders of European Union together with the closing of the central European borders trapped a high percentage of refugee children in Greece. The present narrative aims to steer awareness of Refugee Educational efforts in Greece. The author adopts a narrative inquiry in order to capture her own professional recollections during her work…
International society and its institutions in refugee protection during the covid-19 pandemic: Revisiting the solidarism / pluralism debate in english school [Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde uluslararası toplum ve kurumlarının mülteci koruma politikaları: Ingiliz okulu çerçevesinde çoğulcu/ dayanışmacı tartışması]
This study aims at discussing the vulnerability of the Global Refugee Protection Regime (GRPR) during crises by applying the ‘international society’ concept within the English School of International Relations theory to the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze the efficiency of the international society institutions on GRPR through the policies and practices of states as well as organizations such as the United…
Learning Experiences Of Syrian Refugee Students During The Outburst Of Covid-19 Pandemic [Göç Mağduru Surİyelİ Öğrencİlerİn Covid-19 Salgini Sürecİndekİ Öğrenme Deneyİmlerİ]
In this study, it is aimed to determine the feelings and thoughts of Syrian refugee primary school students regarding the difficulties and opportunities they face in their learning processes in distance education during the Covid-19 outburst.Using the case study design of the qualitative research approach, study was conducted with 36 4th grade students who came to Turkey due to forced…
Déficits in educational action with vulnerable adolescents from Latin America living in Spain [Déficits en la acción socioeducativa dirigida a adolescentes vulnerables latinoamericanos residentes en España]
The Protection System for Children and Adolescents in Spain has the same mechanisms for the national population as it does for the foreign population of children and Young people who are originally from Latin American. This research aimed to determine the specific emancipation difficulties of youths from Latin America with a Child Protective Service record, as well as to identify…
Welcome and välkommen school administrators in the U.S. and Sweden responds to unexpected numbers of refugees in their rural communities
This exploratory, comparative study focuses on the leadership challenges encountered by American and Swedish school superintendents in communities that experienced an unexpected increase in the number of refugees being placed their towns. We focused the study on two small communities in northern Sweden and two communities in northern Vermont. Our study draws on social ecological systems theory to examine the…
Educational leading as pedagogical love: the case for refugee education
From a normative perspective, education serves a double purpose, that is, to prepare students to live well in a world worth living in. The practices of educational leadership are crucial elements in achieving this telos. In this article, we reimagine leading practices as pedagogical love, orchestrating conditions which enable refugee students’ academic achievements and overall school wellbeing. The article draws…
Encouraging intercultural attitudes and practices in contemporary ECEC services. Insights from A research conducted in Italy, Spain, and Hungary
This paper presents the results of a European survey that was part of a European funded project, entitled ‘Multicultural Early Childhood Education’, carried out between 2017 and 2018, in three countries: Italy, Spain, and Hungary. The goal was to explore the intercultural training needs of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) professionals, to support them to meet the needs of…
‘I can’t sit here and cry with you, I have to play’. Strategies by very young children in refugee collective accommodation
Little is known about the everyday life of very young children in refugee collective accommodation centres, hosted together with their parents. Access to high-quality provision of early education and care is not implemented. Against this background, the paper explores young children’s everyday life practices in these specific centres. This paper presents findings from an explorative ethnographic research project in refugee…
Being inside out: the slippery slope between inclusion and exclusion in a Swiss educational project for unaccompanied refugee youth
This article discusses how important social markers surrounding the figure of the unaccompanied minor, such as ‘integration’ and ‘deservingness’ are negotiated and made sense of by unaccompanied refugee youth and their teachers in a Swiss integration class. Starting from the premise of the classroom as both, a project of future-making and control, I investigate the ambiguous potential of education in…
Higher education policy dynamics in turbulent times–access to higher education for refugees in Europe
Apart from teaching, research and service to society, since 2015 higher education systems and institutions in Europe have faced an additional expectation–to respond to the largely unexpected yet nevertheless growing demand for higher education by refugees. This study explores system and organizational level responses to such environmental pressures in Germany and Flanders, both affluent systems, but different in terms of…
Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children in Specialized Early Education and Care Programs in Germany
Refugee children are at risk to develop mental health problems, which have rarely been investigated in educational contexts. We conducted three studies in childcare programs for refugees in Germany. Children’s behavior was assessed by educators on site (n = 84) and online (n = 50) using a two-stage-cluster sampling and on site (n = 107) using complete samples. In Study…
Translanguaging through an advocacy lens: The roles of multilingual classroom assistants in Sweden
This article examines the intersection between teacher agency and national language policy in Sweden. We present data from qualitative research across multiple urban Swedish school districts that explores the experiences and perspectives of multilingual classroom assistants (MCAs) on their work and in relation to national and district-level policies. We interrogate what it means to uphold translanguaging stances in otherwise monolingual…
Gendered Spaces and Educational Expectations: the Case of the Former Refugee Camp “Elliniko” in Athens
This article examines the subjectivity of refugee women regarding education while in a state of prolonged “transit” in squalid conditions and within a context of limited agency. Specifically, we discuss the experience of forced migration and displacement of refugee Afghan women through a focus on processes of education in the context of their “temporary” accommodation in the former Elliniko camp…
Resettled refugee youth and education: aspiration and reality
This paper reports on research with 86 young refugees (aged 13–24 years) who were resettled to the UK between 2006 and 2010. Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data we explore the educational aspirations and experiences of refugee youth, and how they negotiate post-compulsory education pathways. We find that despite the promise of educational opportunity and transformed life chances enshrined…
Common mental disorders among young refugees in Sweden: The role of education and duration of residency
Background: Studies investigating risks of common mental disorders (CMDs) in refugee youth are sparse. The current study examined health care use due to CMDs in unaccompanied and accompanied refugee youth and Swedish-born, and the role of education and residency duration. Methods: This longitudinal cohort study included 746,517 individuals (whereof 36,347 refugees) between 19 and 25 years, residing in Sweden in…
International refugee protection and the primary institutions of international society
Refugees are often considered as a source of disorder if not fundamental threat to international society. In contrast, and drawing from an English School approach, this article argues that the figure of the refugee is foundational to the constitution of both modern international society and its agent, the sovereign territorial state; hence refugee protection represents a primary institution of international…
Participatory parity in schooling and moves towards ordinariness: a comparison of refugee education policy and practice in England and Sweden
Within the current global refugee crisis this paper emphasises the fundamental role of education in facilitating the integration of young new arrivals. It argues that a humanitarian problem of such scale requires a commensurate humanitarian response in the form of socially-just educational policies and practices in resettlement contexts within Europe. Utilising the theoretical concepts, ‘participatory parity’ (Fraser) and ‘resumption of…
Current conditions and issues at Temporary Education Centres (TECs) for Syrian child refugees in Turkey
Since the outbreak of Syrian conflict 2011, Turkey has received more than 3.5 million refugees, including a great number of school-aged children. Providing education to Syrian child refugees has therefore become important in Turkey. To effectively deal with this issue, Turkish government has developed educational policies and legal arrangements. Establishing Temporary Education Centres providing education in Arabic based on an adapted…
‘Sitting on a wobbly chair’: mental health and wellbeing among newcomer pupils in Northern Irish schools
Schools in Northern Ireland (NI) have become increasingly diverse with the numbers of newly arrived migrant pupils more than doubling over the past decade. While studies have shown an increasingly high prevalence of mental health difficulties among young people in NI generally, there is a paucity of research with at risk groups, including members of ethnic minority communities. This paper…
Transformation of teachers’ understandings of refugee families’ engagement: multilingual family mathematics spaces
Today in many countries, teachers working with children with refugee status are seeking ways to practice inclusive family engagement. In our two-year-long project, we worked with early childhood teachers serving refugee students in public schools in Turkey, which hosts the world’s highest number of child refugees. Our project focused on creating equitable mathematics teaching and learning opportunities and developing a…
Refugee children’s integration in Greece: training future teachers to face new educational challenges
The aim of this paper is to present an action research project focusing on refugee children’s integration to the formal Greek education system as it relates to their mothers’ Greek language learning. Drawing on the interrelation between formal and non-formal education, this project took place at the Open Reception facility of Eleonas in Athens and addressed graduate and postgraduate students,…
Parenting and education: The example of refugee parents in Greece
This article focuses on the interplay between parenthood and refugee status and documents the approaches that parents employ to become educational agents and enrich their children’s language knowledge and cultural capital while residing in refugee camps in northern Greece. It discusses the prominent role that encampment times play in structuring the disempowering refugee condition, and describes the parents’ strategies of…
The attitude of polish youth towards migrants, and educational process planning in geography teaching using the example of selected groups of students from poznań and warsaw
The political destabilization in the Middle East has caused such a significant wave of migration to European countries, that the situation has evolved into a migration crisis. Research on the awareness and opinions on mass migration conducted among a selected group of Polish youth show how differentiated attitudes are - from moderately positive to extremely negative. At the same time,…
Civil Servants Talk Back – Political Subjectivity and (Re) Constructions of the Nation
This article discusses the emergence of political subjectivity and politicization among social workers and teachers. We present situations that have induced teachers and social workers to become politically active and examine what their struggle might imply for these unaccompanied children. We also ask how the nation state is interpellated and transformed. Drawing on Laclau, Mouffe and Biesta, we find that…
Higher education for refugees: A need for intersectional research
Refugees pursuing higher education in the context of host countries face numerous challenges, but the literature is sparse on relevant university supports. This article evaluates the existing transnational literature using quantitative textual analysis to point toward the need for scholarship on intersectional programs serving refugee students. Wethen move to outline examples of such university structures, probing how intersectional programs undergird…
Private engagement in refugee education and the promise of digital humanitarianism
This paper examines the prevalence of technological interventions in education in emergencies through a case study of private participation in Syrian refugee education in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. This research is conceptually situated within critiques of ‘digital humanitarianism’, simultaneously interrogating the role of technology in humanitarian responses and the roles of private actors who promote this technology. Our study demonstrates…
Diminishing social inequality between refugee children and their peers growing up in Denmark
Not being in employment, education or training (NEET) as a youth consistently predicts adverse educational, labour market and health outcomes. School-aged refugee children are known to be particularly vulnerable within each of these domains. Yet little is known about how these outcomes have evolved over time. This study explores trends in the risk of youth NEET status during the early…
Social inclusion of refugees into higher education in Norway: A critical analysis of Norwegian higher education and integration policies
In numerous countries, the widening participation of underrepresented groups in higher education has become an official part of education policies. However, inequalities continue in some areas, including refugees’ participation. Norway hosts many refugees, but little is known about the social inclusion of refugees into higher education in the country. In this paper, three documents representing Norwegian higher education and integration…
Opportunities and Barriers in Higher Education for Young Refugees in Greece
Over the last decade, Greece has been the dominant receiver of large waves of both migrants and refugees. Taking into consideration that (a) immigration (and the displacement of people from their homes in general) is a social phenomenon, (b) education has a significant influence on the development process and access to education is absolutely a fundamental human right, (c) real…
Self-selection of Asylum Seekers: Evidence From Germany
I examine the pattern of selection on education of asylum seekers recently arrived in Germany from five key source countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Iraq, Serbia, and Syria. The analysis relies on original individual-level data collected in Germany combined with surveys conducted at origin. The results reveal a positive pattern of selection on education for asylum seekers who were able to flee…
Academic self-efficacy in unaccompanied foreign minors: Structural equation modelling according to schooling
(1) Background: Newmigratory flows taking place in Europe and the USA are categorised by a huge arrival of unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM), requiring appropriate attention to schooling in order to guarantee their integration. In facing this situation, the various political and educational administrations of the European Union (EU) have promoted an action plan for schools. Despite this, it has been…
Refugee students’ access to three european universities: An ethnographic study
The article presents an ethnographic fieldwork carried out at three universities in Switzerland, Germany, and France, and analyses how access to higher education for refugees was addressed in the three cases, how and which institutional change and activities were initiated, and by which actors. The article argues that the topic cannot be addressed in isolation but has to consider four…