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Education, acculturation, and adaptation: Unaccompanied migrant and refugee youths in Italy
Migration worldwide is characterized by the presence of unaccompanied minors, separated from their parents or any primary caregivers. The present study aimed to fill literature gaps on the acculturation and adaptation of unaccompanied migrant and refugee adolescents. The Ward and Geeraert model (2016), which explores how acculturation unfolds within different ecological contexts, namely societal, institutional and familial, was employed to…
The impact of legal status on different schooling aspects of adolescents in Germany
During the so-called refugee crisis of 2015, approximately 300,000 underage asylum seekers came to Germany. We examine whether their legal status and their subjective perception of their status are equally important for their educational integration. On the basis of rational choice theory, we hypothesize that refugees’ legal status should affect their educational outcomes. Our study finds no differences among students…
What attitudes toward refugees do future european teachers have? A comparative analysis between France and Spain
(1) Background. The increase in international conflicts and humanitarian crises has led to an increase in the movement of people to Europe. The legal and moral commitments of the European Union require the incorporation and integration of such refugees. In this sense, the school and its teaching staff are a key agent in the challenge of integrating newly arrived students.…
Turkey’s Education Policies towards Syrian Refugees: A Macro-level Analysis
This study discusses the transformation of Turkey's education policies towards Syrian refugees in three major stages. It argues that education policies in these different stages reflect the general perception of and political vision for Syrian refugees by the Turkish state, and that they are also instruments through which this political vision is materialized and declared. The remarkable evolution of Turkey's…
Croatian Experience with the Refugee Crisis on the Balkan Route and Possible Implications for Social Work Practice and Education
The purpose of this review article is to describe some aspects of the migration crises experience that Croatia as a Member State on the European Union external border went through as a transit country on the Balkan route 2015–2016. In that period of time, migrant movement was the most intensive, when Croatia received more than 600,000 refugees and migrants who…
International society and its institutions in refugee protection during the covid-19 pandemic: Revisiting the solidarism / pluralism debate in english school [Covid-19 pandemi sürecinde uluslararası toplum ve kurumlarının mülteci koruma politikaları: Ingiliz okulu çerçevesinde çoğulcu/ dayanışmacı tartışması]
This study aims at discussing the vulnerability of the Global Refugee Protection Regime (GRPR) during crises by applying the ‘international society’ concept within the English School of International Relations theory to the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyze the efficiency of the international society institutions on GRPR through the policies and practices of states as well as organizations such as the United…
Higher education and solidarity? The integration of refugee students at austrian universities
The refugee streams of 2015 had a tremendous impact on European societies. In context of the influx of refugees, civil society showed large solidarity. Universities did so as well, organizing programs to accommodate asylum seekers and refugees on campus. As solidarity is necessary for social relationships and coordinating life chances in a just way, the effectiveness of such programs can…
Refugees: A new intercultural education for global citizenship
Migration has traditionally encompassed the concepts of emigration and immigration. Emigration was the action of leaving a country to go to another one and immigration was entering a different country. However, the negative connotations acquired by the latter term over the years, largely owing to the media, has led to the spread and simple use of migration. Immigration has become…
Advancing social justice for asylum seekers and refugees in the UK: An open education approach to strengthening capacity through refugee action’s frontline immigration advice project
Britain’s asylum system fails the most vulnerable; it cannot ensure that people who are least able to protect themselves are provided with the legal assistance that they require to cope with the challenges with which they are inevitably faced. Against this background, the charity Refugee Action developed the Frontline Immigration Advice Programme (FIAP), a technology-supported capacity strengthening programme that aims…
Assessing the criteria for equality of the right: Refugees’ higher education from the perspective of human rights [Hak Eşitliğine İlişkin Kriterlerin Değerlendirilmesi: İnsan Hakları Perspektifinden Mültecilerin Yükseköğrenimi]
With the Syrian refugee crisis, the subject of refugees’ access to HE, which was only partially funded owing to donor reluctance, was prominently covered in the news, with concepts such as preventing the lost generation, resilience, reconstructing countries, and education as a human right. With the Ukraine crisis, the issue of supporting the higher education of refugees came to the…